Tales of life and art. Theater, knitting, music, and pottery (and anything else I feel like writing about)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sill here..

For any knitters not on Ravelry yet, here is what I've been working on...


It's Pomatomus from Knitty

but only kinda.. since for the last two weeks or so I haven't had time for any knitting. I've been in tech rehearsals for a show I'm running lights for, and production mode for that show, which ends tomorrow, and have been doing some stealthy secret projects as well. which may be revealed at a later date.

We've finally had a little rain, but the water restrictions are still in tact and about to get stronger, so no felting has been done yet. I'm very much looking forward to some semblance of some fall weather.


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