Tales of life and art. Theater, knitting, music, and pottery (and anything else I feel like writing about)

Monday, February 21, 2005

Board Meeting

Since I have a board meeting today, I figured I'd share some photos of our new facility that is in the works. We lost our arts facilities in the flooding that happened after hurricane Floyd in 1999, it's been a long time getting to this point.

See that hole in the ground? That's going to be the theater. Hurrah! The buildings in the background are going to be the rest of the Arts Center which is gallery space, and arts classroom and programming spaces, as well as the Children's museum which is like a science/nature museum and it is going to have a planetarium in it as well. The only one of it's kind (technology wise) in the south east apparently. (They're really excited about it)

Here is the length of the Old Tobacco warehouse that is being restored/renovated for this project.

Here is part of the other side of the facility. (by the way, that is the only 3 legged water tower left in North Carolina, and they aren't sure how many others are still in existance anywhere else.)

And the other part of the back. This is going to be a HUGE facility. We're all really excited about it. There is another structure that isn't in these photos that is where there will be studio space for painting, and ceramics I think it is... it has been a while since I've seen the plans, and they change fairly regularly at this point.

There is lots of fundraising to be done still for outfitting the place, but they have to be done building by the end of the year or we lose a lot of goverment funding like FEMA money. I'm proud to be a part of what is going to be such a nice facility. It has been a tough road since the flood, but this seems to be a silver lining from that dark cloud.


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